Zazidljivo zemljišče se nahaja na mirni lokaciji na obrobju Pivke ob cesti Pod Primožem. V okolici se nahajajo predvsem stanovanjski objekti ter stavbna in kmetijska zemljišča. Nepremičnina je od železniške postaje in središča Pivke oddaljena en kilometer, osnovna šola pa 1.6 km.
Po namenski rabi je območje opredeljeno kot stavbno zemljišče namenjeno gradnji soseske eno in dvo- stanovanjskih hiš. Veljavni prostorski akti dopuščajo 40% faktor zazidljivosti in višino objektov do 10m.
Zemljišče ima urejen po asfaltirani cesti, ki poteka skozi naselje in je komunalno ne opremljeno. Nepremičnina je del večjega razvojnega območja kjer je potrebno sprejeti OPPN.
Prodajna cena vključuje 22 % DDV.
The building land is located in a quiet location on the outskirts of Pivka at the Pod Primožem road. In the vicinity, there are mainly single-family houses and agricultural land. The property is one kilometre from the railway station and the Privka town centre, while the primary school is 1.6 km away.
According to the intended use, the area is defined as building land dedicated for the construction of a neighbourhood of one- and two dwelling houses. The valid spatial act allows up to 40% buildability and the height of buildings up to 10m.
The access to the land is through a municipality asphalt road that runs through the village. The plot has no connections to public utilities and is part of a larger development area where it is necessary to adopt the detailed spatial plan before development.
The sale price includes 22% VAT.
In the vicinity
- Kraške lekarne Ilirska Bistrica, Lekarna Pivka 738 m