Real estate type
Land For building
724 m²
724 m²
U okolici Fažane prodaje se poljoprivredno zemljište površine 724m2 sa strujom na zemljištu i pripremom za vlastitu bušotinu vode (u dogovoru s vlasnikom moguće izvršiti i bušenje). Granice zemljišta geodetski obilježena.
Zemljište je nepravilnog oblika, pristupni put javni. Okolna zemljišta iste namjene, moguće kupiti još jedno zemljište i povezati.
Kontakt 00385951987708
In the vicinity of Fažana, an agricultural plot of 724m2 is for sale with electricity on the plot and preparation for its own water well (in agreement with the owner, it is also possible to drill). Land boundaries geodetically marked. The land is irregularly shaped, the access road is public. Surrounding land of the same purpose, it is possible to buy another land and connect it. Contact 00385951987708