Selo pri Bledu, sodobno izvedena stanovanjska vila z zanimivimi arhitekturnimi rešitvami, poleg nje pa originalno ohranjena kmečka hiša z gospodarskim poslopjem, v vaškem jedru oddaljenem 15 minut hoda od Blejskega jezera.
Na prisojni legi pod hribom Dobra gora leži staro vaško jedro vasice Selo, ki ga tvorijo gručasto postavljene kmetije, v katerih poleg kmečkega turizma še vedno živi kmetijska dejavnost. Neposredno pod kmetijami pa se vse do Save Bohinjske in preko nje do pobočij Jelovice razprostirajo travniki in pašniki, namenjeni paši, košnji in ostalim kmečkim opravilom, v novejših časih pa zlasti za sprehode, pohodništvo, kolesarjenje ribištvo ter ostale vodne in obvodne aktivnosti.
Sredi kmečkega naselja na sončni legi stoji to edinstveno posestvo, kjer je sodobna osnovna stavba s prostornim tlakovanim dvoriščem povezana z originalno kmečko hišo, obe pa v idealno kompaktno celoto združuje skrbno negovanko stavbno, kmetijsko in gozdno zemljišče, v skupni izmeri 12.000 m2.
Osnovna stavba je delo znanega slovenskega arhitekta, ki je stavbo umestil v prostor tako, da deluje kot nekakšen podaljšek konfiguracije terena, iz ozelenjene brežine pod stavbo skoraj neopazno prehaja v območje prepoznavne lupine hiše. Notranja razporeditev prostorov v stavbe je izredno zanimiva, bivalni prostori so izvedeni v obliki nekakšnega amfiteatra z več posameznimi medetažami, na katerih so tematsko ločeni prostori, ki opredeljujejo način življenja v hiši - na prvi medetaži sta poleg kuhinje, garderobnega prostora ter stranišča tudi lepo urejena jedilnica ter dnevni prostor, s krasnim pogledom skozi nekaj metrov široke steklene površine na zelene gozdne in travniške površine pod stavbo ter naprej na Pokljuško hribovje, v naslednji medetaži se nahaja knjižnica, pod njo na pritlični etaži pa lepo urejen in opremljen salon. Iz tega zanimivega odprtega prostora gremo nato skozi prostor za sprejem gostov v preostali del hiše, najprej pridemo do še enega izredno zanimivega bivalnega prostora z izhodom na prostorno teraso pred stavbo, v katerem se poleg lično izbranega pohištva nahaja del kamnite stene na katero je naslonjena stavba in jo je lastnik zelo domiselno izpostavil... Od tu nadaljujemo v tehnični del stavbe, pred tem pa pridemo do zelo lepo in praktično urejene vinske kleti, s prostorom za druženje. Sledi kotlovnica, domača pisarna, wellness prostor s savno ter kopalnico, shramba, nato pa zaključimo krožni sprehod po pritlični etaži in ponovno pridemo nazaj v osredni bivalni prostor.
Iz prve medetaže pa po odprtem stopnišču vstopimo v mansardne prostore, kjer je res prostorna glavna spalnica z garderobo, lepo urejeno in izredno veliko kopalnico, sledi dodatna spalnica z lastno kopalnico ter manjši salon s pogledom na okolico.
Pri vhodu v stavbo se nahaja garaža dovolj prostorna za parkiranje dveh vozil.
V osnovni stavbi je skupaj okrog 580 m2 površin.
Kmečka hiša - znanji izgled kmečke hiše je namenoma v celoti ohranjen, v notranjosti stavbe pa so bili izvedeni novi prostori, ki pa s res domiselno zasnovo in izvedbo ustvarjajo domače zelo prijetno vzdušje.
V pritličnem delu se nahaja večja garaža ( dve vozili), iz nekdanjega hleva pa so izdelani pomožni in tehnični prostori. V bivalne prostore v nadstropje pridemo po lesenem zunanjem stopnišču povezanim z gankom: vstopimo v vežo nato pa v odprt z macesnovim lesom obložen bivalni prostor, sredi katerega stoji izstopajoča vrhunsko izvedena kmečka peč s klopmi okrog nje, prostor pa združuje večjo kuhinjo, z jedilnico in dnevno sobo, sledi kopalnica, v podstrešnem delu stavbe pa je odprta spalnica s petimi ležišči. Ostali del kmečke hiše je še neizdelan, tam je možno izdelati večje dvoetažno stanovanje. V kmečki stavbi je skupaj okrog 290 m2 površin.
Obe stavbi sta samostojni enoti tako v javnih evidencah, kot s priključki in načinom ogrevanja.
Iz tlakovanega dvorišča med obema stavbama se po lepo izdelanem stopnišču med raznovrstnim okrasnim grmičevjem spustimo na spodnjo teraso pod osnovno stavbo iz te pa naprej na zelo zanimiv in raznolik vrt, z množico sadnih in gozdnih dreves ter lastnim bajerjem.
Zemljišče, kot rečeno meri kar 12.000 m2, del zemljišča pod stavbo je pravi botanični vrt z množico različnih okrasnih grmovij, v zahodnem delu pa je na bližjem delu zemljišču posajena večja skupina sadnih dreves (večinoma jabolk). V nadaljevanju vstopimo v vzdrževan mešan gozd, ki na južnem delu meji na popolnoma naraven bajer (ribnik), z ribami, žabami, pticami in ostalim »prebivalci« . Nad gozdnim delom posesti stoji lesen kozolec, za sušenje sena ter hrambo traktorja in ostalih kmećkih strojev.
Osnovna stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1985, iz prvovrstnih klasičnih materialov ( beton, steklo, makedonski marmor, tlaki iz granita in lesa). Stavba je bila zatem leta 1996 v večjem obsegu obnovljena, zatem pa so bila leta 2017 vgrajena nova protivlomna okna ( ALU profili), leta 2022 je bila izdelana nova streha ter na njej inštalirana sončna elektrarna, izvedena pa je bila tudi toplotna črpalka za ogrevanje osnovne stavbe, kar je stroške bivanja v stavbi znižalo na minimalno višino ( 30 EUR/mesečno ) -stavba je dejansko samooskrbna ter nizkoenergijska hiša.
Kmečka hiša je bila v današnje stanje v celoti obnovljena leta 1996 ( novi temelji, injicirane stene, AB plošče, inštalacije, talne obloge, opleski, okna, vrata…) letos pa je bila ponovno osvežena (fasada, obnovljena garaža).
Posestvo, ki je naprodaj, je posebna vrsta nepremičnina za zahtevnega kupca, ki združuje moderen način bivanja v stanovanjski vili, z romantičnim domačim bivalnim okoljem kmečke hiše, pri čemer pa vse skupaj zaokroža izredno skrbno urejen vrt, ki pa poleg tega, da nudi raznovrstne ugodnosti in užitke bivanja v naravi tako rekoč na domačem pragu, seveda zahteva tudi stalno skrb in redno delo, da bi posestvo lahko tudi v naprej kvalitetno funkcioniralo.
Do jezera je 15 minut hoda (800 m), do centra Bleda 25 minut hoda, pod stavbo pa vodijo različne poti do Save Bohinjke, do poljan na obeh straneh Save, naprej na planoto Jelovico ali ob Savi do Bohinjske Bele ter naprej proti planoti Pokljuke, v tem delu je res veliko možnosti za družinske izlete, pohodniške ture ali kolesarjenje.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Selo near Bled, a modern residential villa with interesting architectural solutions, next to an original preserved farmhouse with outbuildings, in the village centre, a 15-minute walk from Lake Bled.
The old village centre of Selo is situated in a sheltered position at the foot of Dobra gora hill, and is made up of clustered farms, which, in addition to agritourism, are still home to agricultural activity. Directly below the farms, meadows and pastures stretch all the way to the Sava Bohinjska and beyond to the slopes of Jelovica, used for grazing, mowing and other farm tasks, and in more recent times especially for walking, hiking, cycling, fishing and other water and coastal activities.
In the middle of a rural village, in a sunny position, stands this unique property, where a modern primary building with a spacious paved courtyard is connected to the original farmhouse, and the two are combined into an ideal compact whole by carefully tended building, agricultural and forest land, totalling 12,000 m2.
The main building is the work of a well-known Slovenian architect, who has positioned the building in the space so that it acts as a kind of extension of the terrain configuration, almost imperceptibly transitioning from the green bank beneath the building into the area of the distinctive shell of the house. The internal arrangement of the spaces in the building is extremely interesting, the living areas are arranged in the form of a kind of amphitheatre with several individual mezzanine floors on which there are thematically separated spaces that define the way of life in the house - on the first mezzanine floor there are two rooms next to the kitchen, The next mezzanine contains the library, and below it on the ground floor is a beautifully furnished and equipped lounge. From this interesting open space, we then pass through the reception area into the rest of the house, first reaching another extremely interesting living area with access to the spacious terrace in front of the building, which, in addition to the neatly selected furniture, contains part of the stone wall on which the building is leaning and which the owner has very cleverly exposed.... From here we continue to the technical part of the building, before reaching the very nicely and practically arranged wine cellar, with a space for socialising. Then we complete the circular walk around the ground floor and come back to the main living area.
From the first mezzanine floor, we enter the attic space via an open staircase, where there is a really spacious master bedroom with a dressing room, a beautifully decorated and extremely large bathroom, followed by an additional bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and a small lounge with a view of the surrounding area.
At the entrance of the building there is a garage spacious enough to park two vehicles.
In the main building there is a total of about 580 m2 of space.
Farmhouse - the familiar look of the farmhouse has been deliberately preserved in its entirety, while new rooms have been created inside the building, which, with a really imaginative design and execution, create a very homely and welcoming atmosphere.
There is a large garage (two vehicles) on the ground floor, and the former stable has been converted into ancillary and technical rooms. The living areas are reached by a wooden external staircase connected to the porch: enter the entrance hall and then the open larch-wood-panelled living area, in the middle of which stands a superb rustic stove with benches around it, and the room combines a larger kitchen with a dining room and a living room, followed by a bathroom, and in the attic part of the building there is an open-plan bedroom with five beds. The rest of the farmhouse is still unfinished and a larger two-storey apartment could be built there. In total, the farmhouse has about 290 m2 of floor space.
Both buildings are independent units both in public records and with connections and heating method.
From the cobbled courtyard between the two buildings, a beautifully designed staircase amongst a variety of ornamental shrubs leads down to the lower terrace below the main building, which leads on to a very interesting and varied garden, with a multitude of fruit and forest trees and its own private pond.
The site, as mentioned, is 12,000 m2, part of the land under the building is a real botanical garden with a variety of ornamental shrubs, and in the western part of the site there is a larger group of fruit trees (mostly apples) planted on a closer part of the land. Further on, we enter a well-kept mixed forest, bordered in the southern part by a completely natural lake (pond), with fish, frogs, birds and other "inhabitants".. Above the wooded part of the property is a wooden hayloft for drying hay and storing a tractor and other farm machinery. The main building was built in 1985, using first-class classical materials (concrete, glass, Macedonian marble, granite and wood flooring). The building was then extensively renovated in 1996, followed by the installation of new burglar-resistant windows (ALU profiles) in 2017, a new roof and a solar power plant in 2022, and a heat pump to heat the main building, which reduced the cost of living in the building to a minimum (€30/month). - the building is actually self-sustaining and low-energy house.
The farmhouse was completely renovated to its present state in 1996 (new foundations, injected walls, AB panels, plumbing, flooring, cladding, windows, doors, etc.) and refreshed again this year (façade, renovated garage).
The property for sale is a special type of property for a discerning buyer, combining the modern living style of a residential villa with the romantic domestic living environment of a farmhouse, all complemented by an extremely carefully landscaped garden, which, in addition to offering the various benefits and pleasures of living in nature practically on your doorstep, of course requires constant care and regular work to ensure that the property continues to function in a quality manner.
The lake is a 15-minute walk (800 m) away, the centre of Bled is a 25-minute walk away, and below the building there are various paths leading to the Sava Bohinjka, to the fields on both sides of the Sava, further on to the Jelovica plateau or along the Sava to the Bohinjska Bela, and further on to the Pokljuka plateau, in which there are plenty of opportunities for family outings, hiking tours or cycling.
The seller is making the sale conditional on the buyer reimbursing him for part of the costs incurred in the sale of the property.
We kindly ask our clients who are interested in the property to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for any information and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Property equipment
- Air conditioning
- Floor heating
- Central heating
- Fuel oil
- Heating with a heat pump
- Heating with wood
- Interphone
- Alarm
- Video surveillance
- Luxury furnishing
- Garden
- Atrium
- Terrace
- Basement
- Garage
- Covered parking space
- More than two parking spaces
- Land registry
- EV - Electric charging station