Real estate type
Land Residental-business
517 m²
Bližina šole,Miren predel
Blizina škole,Miran predio
Kaštel Stari
Građevinsko zemljište u Kaštel Starom iznad jadranske magistrale
Površina zemljišta: 517m2
Dimenzije zemljišta: cca.26x20m
Pristupni put širine 3m
Zona: M1 – mješovita, pretežito stambena
Blizina, vrtića, škole, trgovina kao i do javnog gradskog prijevoza.
Mirno i tiho okruženje
Udaljenost do jadranske magistrale cca.500m, a do mora i plaže cca.1,5km ID:14835
Kaštel Stari
Građevinsko zemljište u Kaštel Starom iznad jadranske magistrale
Površina zemljišta: 517m2
Dimenzije zemljišta: cca.26x20m
Pristupni put širine 3m
Zona: M1 – mješovita, pretežito stambena
Blizina, vrtića, škole, trgovina kao i do javnog gradskog prijevoza.
Mirno i tiho okruženje
Udaljenost do jadranske magistrale cca.500m, a do mora i plaže cca.1,5km ID:14835
Nähe zur Schule,Ruhige Lage
Kaštel Stari
Baugrundstück in Kaštel Stari oberhalb der Adria-Autobahn
Grundstücksfläche: 517 m2
Grundstücksmaße: ca. 26 x 20 m
Zufahrtsstraße 3m breit
Zone: M1 – gemischt, überwiegend Wohngebiet
In der Nähe von Kindergärten, Schulen, Geschäften und öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
Friedliche und ruhige Umgebung
Entfernung zur Adria-Autobahn ca. 500 m und zum Meer und Strand ca. 1,5 km ID:14835
Kaštel Stari
Baugrundstück in Kaštel Stari oberhalb der Adria-Autobahn
Grundstücksfläche: 517 m2
Grundstücksmaße: ca. 26 x 20 m
Zufahrtsstraße 3m breit
Zone: M1 – gemischt, überwiegend Wohngebiet
In der Nähe von Kindergärten, Schulen, Geschäften und öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
Friedliche und ruhige Umgebung
Entfernung zur Adria-Autobahn ca. 500 m und zum Meer und Strand ca. 1,5 km ID:14835
vicino alla scuola,zona tranquilla
Close to the school,Quiet area
Kaštel Stari
Building plot in Kaštel Stari above the Adriatic highway
Land area: 517m2
Land dimensions: approx. 26x20m
Access road 3m wide
Zone: M1 – mixed, mostly residential
Close to kindergartens, schools, shops and public transport.
Peaceful and quiet environment
Distance to the Adriatic highway approx. 500m, and to the sea and beach approx. 1.5km ID:14835
Kaštel Stari
Building plot in Kaštel Stari above the Adriatic highway
Land area: 517m2
Land dimensions: approx. 26x20m
Access road 3m wide
Zone: M1 – mixed, mostly residential
Close to kindergartens, schools, shops and public transport.
Peaceful and quiet environment
Distance to the Adriatic highway approx. 500m, and to the sea and beach approx. 1.5km ID:14835
Вблизи школы,Спокойный район