Stavbno zemljišče v Jakobskem dolu
Nepremičnina predstavlja stavbno zemljišče v Pesnici, v naselju Jurjevski dol, občina Jakobski Dol. Zemljišče meri skupaj 6.143 m2 in leži na treh parcelnih številkah v k. o. 570, Ploderšnica, MB (295/10, 295/6, 295/8). Na zemljišču se nahaja lesena uta. Dostop poteka preko parc.št. 674/5, k.o. 570, kjer je vknjižena pravica v korist javnega dobra, tako je dostop javno urejen.
Osnovna namenska raba je območje stavbnih zemljišč in podrobna namenska raba površine druge razpršene poselitve (Ao). Na zemljišču velja OPN Občine Šentilj (MUV, št. 21/17), ki določa podrobno namensko rabo in bolj podrobne pogoje za gradnjo ali obnovo objektov na lokacij. Na zemljišču je dovoljena gradnja stanovanjskega objekta za potrebe kmetije (lastnik mora imeti status kmeta in izvajati dejavnost kmetovanja ali vzreje živali). Dovoljena je tudi rekonstrukcija obstoječega lesenega objekta.
Prodajna cena nepremičnine je 167.900 EUR neto (brez pripadajočega davka 2 % DPN ali obdavčitve skladno s 76. a členom ZDDV – obrnjena davčna obveznost).
V kolikor se zanimate za nakup vas pozivamo, da nam na priloženem obrazcu pošljete vašo nezavezujočo ponudbo ali pa se obrnete na kontaktno osebo. Vsako ponudbo bomo obravnavali posebej in vas bomo o naši odločitvi obvestili v najkrajšem možnem času.
Stranke obveščamo, da si DSU pridržuje pravico, da v postopku prodaje ne izbere nobenega ponudnika oz. z nobenim ponudnikom ni dolžan skleniti prodajne pogodbe za pogodbeni predmet ali stopiti v kakršnokoli drugo pravno razmerje, četudi je ponudba enaka višini informativne (prodajne) cene ali višja. Prav tako ima DSU možnost za prodajo pogodbenega predmeta razpisati javno dražbo, e-dražbo, objaviti razpis za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb ali s ponudniki, ki oddajo enako ponudbo, izvesti dodatna pogajanja.
Več informacij je na voljo na povezavi
Prodajalec bo končno ponujeno neto ceno nepremičnin, ki so obdavčene z DPN, sam pa jih je pridobil v sistemu DDV, povišal za popravek odbitka vstopnega DDV, ki bo nastal ob realizaciji prodaje izven sistema DDV tistim kupcem, ki nimajo pravice do odbitka celotnega vstopnega DDV, v skladu s 45. členom ZDDV-1.
Building land in Jakobski dol
The property is a building plot in Pesnica, in the Jurjevski dol settlement, Jakobski Dol municipality. The land measures a total of 6,143 m2 and is located on three plot numbers in k. o. 570, Ploderšnica, MB (295/10, 295/6, 295/8). There is a wooden shed on the land. Access is via park no. 674/5, registered office 570, where the registered right is for the benefit of the public good, access is thus publicly regulated.
The basic designated use is the area of building land and the detailed designated use of the area of other scattered settlements (Ao). The land is subject to the Administrative Procedure Act of the Municipality of Šentilj (MUV, no. 21/17), which specifies the detailed purposeful use and more detailed conditions for the construction or renovation of buildings at the locations. The construction of a residential building for the needs of the farm is permitted on the land (the owner must have the status of a farmer and engage in farming or animal breeding). Reconstruction of an existing wooden building is also permitted.
If you are interested in buying a property, we kindly request you submit your indicative offer by either filling out the form provided or contacting the relevant contact person. All offers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you will be informed about our decision as soon as possible.
DSU informs customers that it reserves the right to not select any bidder in the sales process, i.e. it is not obliged to conclude a sales agreement with any bidder for the subject of an agreement or enter into any other legal relationship, even if a bid is equal to the informative (selling) price or higher. For the sale of the subject of an agreement, the DSU may also announce a public or electronic auction, publish a call for the submission of binding bids or conduct additional negotiations with bidders who submit similar bids. Additional information is available at the link below:
A seller will increase its final net price, which has been set for a property taxed by a real estate transfer tax and acquired by the seller under the VAT system, by an adjustment for the deduction of the input VAT which will arise when making the sale outside the VAT system to those buyers who are not entitled to deduct the full amount of the input VAT in accordance with Article 45 of the Value Added Tax (ZDDV-1).