Nepremičnine v naravi predstavljajo upravno stavbo, skladišča, delavnice, vinsko klet in kmetijsko zemljišče (deloma tudi stavbno) na naslovu Paričjak 22A, 9252 Radenci. Nepremičnine se nahajajo v vasi Kapela in so oddaljene cca. 3,5 km od Radencev. Dostop do nepremičnine je z glavne lokalne ceste.
Zemljiško knjižni ID:
- 201 542/3 s površino 8.928 m2,
- 201 548/10 s površino 2.674 m2,
- 201 548/8 s površino 945 m2.
V ceno ni vključen pripadajoči davek. Nepremičnina se prodaja po načelu videno-kupljeno.
Kapelski vrh je po slemenu razloženo naselje in ena od najbolj priljubljenih izletniških točk v Radgonsko-kapelskih goricah. Tu so obširni vinogradi, ter nasadi jabolk, breskev in ribeza. Na najvišji točki 312 mnm visokem vrhu, imenovanem Kapela stoji župnijska cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene. Od cerkve je lep razgled po vsem Pomurju, ob jasnem vremenu tudi do Blatnega jezera.
Radenci je razpotegnjeno mestno naselje, ki leži na Radenskem polju, na terasi med Radenskim potokom, ter vznožjem Kapelskih goric, ob regionalni cesti Gornja Radgona - Murska Sobota. Radenci so znan zdraviliški in počitniški kraj na enem najbogatejših in najkakovostnejših slatinskih območij v Sloveniji. Mesto je od avtocestne povezave Murska Sobota - Maribor oddaljeno 10km, oziroma 50 km od Maribora.
V kolikor se zanimate za nakup vas pozivamo, da nam na priloženem obrazcu pošljete vašo nezavezujočo ponudbo ali pa se obrnete na kontaktno osebo. Vsako ponudbo bomo obravnavali posebej in vas bomo o naši odločitvi obvestili v najkrajšem možnem času.
Stranke obveščamo, da si DSU pridržuje pravico, da v postopku prodaje ne izbere nobenega ponudnika oz. z nobenim ponudnikom ni dolžan skleniti prodajne pogodbe za pogodbeni predmet ali stopiti v kakršnokoli drugo pravno razmerje, četudi je ponudba enaka višini informativne (prodajne) cene ali višja. Prav tako ima DSU možnost za prodajo pogodbenega predmeta razpisati javno dražbo, e-dražbo, objaviti razpis za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb ali s ponudniki, ki oddajo enako ponudbo, izvesti dodatna pogajanja.
Več informacij je na voljo na povezavi
Prodajalec bo končno ponujeno neto ceno nepremičnin, ki so obdavčene z DPN, sam pa jih je pridobil v sistemu DDV, povišal za popravek odbitka vstopnega DDV, ki bo nastal ob realizaciji prodaje izven sistema DDV tistim kupcem, ki nimajo pravice do odbitka celotnega vstopnega DDV, v skladu s 45. členom ZDDV-1.
Real estate in nature represents an administrative building, warehouses, workshops, a wine cellar and agricultural land (partly building land) at the address Paričjak 22A, 9252 Radenci. The property is located in the village of Kapela and is approx. 3.5 km away from Radenci. Access to the property is from the main local road.
Land Registry ID:
- 201 542/3 with an area of 8,928 m2,
- 201 548/10 with an area of 2,674 m2,
- 201 548/8 with an area of 945 m2.
The price does not include the corresponding tax. The property is sold "as is" clause.
Kapelski vrh is a settlement along the ridge and one of the most popular excursion points in Radgonsko-kapelske gorice. There are vineyards, and plantations of apples, peaches and currants. At the highest point 312 m above sea level, called Kapela, stands the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene. From the church there is a beautiful view all over Pomurje, in clear weather also to Lake Balaton.
Radenci is a urban settlement located on Radensko polje, on the terrace between Radenski potok and at the foot of Kapelske gorice, along the regional road Gornja Radgona - Murska Sobota. Radenci is a well-known health and holiday resort, located in one of the richest and highest quality mineral water areas in Slovenia. The city is 10 km away from the highway Murska Sobota - Maribor and 50 km away from Maribor.
If you are interested in buying a property, we kindly request you submit your indicative offer or contacting the relevant contact person. All offers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you will be informed about our decision as soon as possible. We also kindly ask you to review our General Terms and Conditions.
DSU informs customers that it reserves the right to not select any bidder in the sales process, i.e. it is not obliged to conclude a sales agreement with any bidder for the subject of an agreement or enter into any other legal relationship, even if a bid is equal to the informative (selling) price or higher. For the sale of the subject of an agreement, the DSU may also announce a public or electronic auction, publish a call for the submission of binding bids or conduct additional negotiations with bidders who submit similar bids. Additional information is available at the link below:
A seller will increase its final net price, which has been set for a property taxed by a real estate transfer tax and acquired by the seller under the VAT system, by an adjustment for the deduction of the input VAT which will arise when making the sale outside the VAT system to those buyers who are not entitled to deduct the full amount of the input VAT in accordance with Article 45 of the Value Added Tax (ZDDV-1).

D.S.U., družba za svetovanje in upravljanje, d.o.o.
In the vicinity
- Lekarna Radenci 2.6 km
- Pomurske lekarne Murska Sobota, Lekarna Maximus 3.0 km
- Pomurske lekarne Murska Sobota, Lekarniška podružnica Turnišče 3.0 km