V centru Knežaka ob prometni cesti med Pivko in Ilirsko Bistrico prodamo celoten kompleks - vpeljan posel. Odlična investicija. Velik potencial za različne dejavnosti, ki soupadajao v koncept samega kraja in lokacije ob prometni cesti, sploh v času turistične sezone. Možnost širokega nabora dejavnosti, zaradi same mikro lokacije.
Kompleks je bil zgrajen leta 2005, vzdrževan in ohranje.
Namenska raba prostora: centralne dejavnosti.
Kompleks sestavljajo:
- BENCINSKI SERVIS: na površini 297 m2 z veljavno licenco in dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa z nevarnimi kemikalijami. 4 točilne točke.
- TRGOVSKO-POSLOVNI-GOSTINSKI DEL: skupnih neto površin 581,4 m2:
- trgovski del: trgovna s skladiščem in toaletnim prostorom. Trgovina s polcami in vso potrebno infrastrukturo. Za trgovskim delom je pisarna ter skladišče. Izhod na dvorišče za objektom, za možnost dostave.
- prehransko-gostinski obrat: 108 m2, ki zajema barski pult, mize znotraj in ložo z mizami na zunanjem delu, toaletni prostori. Gostinski lokal j epopolnoma opremljen in pripravljen za takojšnjo uporabo.
- POSLOVNI DEL: 109,8 m2 - v prvem nadstropju je 5 sob kategoriziranih s 3 zvezdicami, skupna manjša recepcija ter 3 pisarne.
Oprema - vsa oprema ostane v prostorih.
Parkiranje v okolici objekta na lastnem parkirišču, kjer je prostora za cca.30 avtomobilov.
Talna obloga: marmor in keramika.
Ogrevanje: olje. Možno ogrevanje tudi s klimo.
Namenska raba: prostor je zaradi dostopnosti in orientacije na glavno prometnico primeren za razno trgovsko dejavnost. Naravna osvetlitev prostorov omogoča kvalitetne razmere za delovni proces. V prostoru so možne tudi razne storitvene dejavnosti kot so fitnes, aerobika, ... Primeren je tudi kot center za nego telesa, kozmetični salon, skladišče ipd.
Povpraševanje po oddaji sob je prisotno skozi večino mesecev v letu. Gostinski in trgovski del sta utečena posla.
Pogoji in ostalo
Nepremičnina je vpisana v Zk, kupec kupi bremen prosto.
Pogoj lastnika za sklenitev posla: kupec plača davek na promet nepremičnin v višini 2% prodajne cene oz. davčne osnove.
Kupec nima stroškov s posredovanjem oz. agencijo. Za ogled ali posnetke nepremičnine nas kontaktirajte na 051 690 000, Jasmina.
In the center of Knežak, next to the busy road between Pivka and Ilirska Bistrica, we are selling the entire complex - established business. An excellent investment. Great potential for various activities, which coincides with the concept of the place itself and the location along the busy road, especially during the tourist season. The possibility of a wide range of activities, due to the micro location itself.
Dedicated use of space: central activities.
The complex consists of:
- PETROL SERVICE: on an area of 297 m2 with a valid license and permit for the transport of dangerous chemicals
- COMMERCIAL-BUSINESS-HOTEL PART: total net area 581.4 m2:
- commercial part: commercial room with storage and toilet room. Shop with shelves and all the necessary infrastructure. Behind the commercial part is an office and a warehouse. Exit to the yard behind the building, for the possibility of delivery.
- catering establishment: 108 m2, which includes the bar counter, tables inside and a loggia with tables on the outside, toilets. The restaurant is fully equipped and ready for immediate use.
- BUSINESS PART: 109.8 m2 - on the first floor there are 5 rooms categorized with 3 stars, a common small reception and 3 offices.
Equipment - all equipment remains on the premises.
Parking in the vicinity of the building in its own parking lot, where there is room for approx. 30 cars.
Flooring: marble and ceramics.
Heating: oil. Possible heating with air conditioning.
Intended use: due to its accessibility and orientation to the main thoroughfare, the space is suitable for various commercial activities. The natural lighting of the premises provides quality conditions for the work process. Various service activities are also possible in the space, such as fitness, aerobics, ... It is also suitable as a body care center, beauty salon, warehouse, etc.
The demand for room rentals is present throughout most months of the year. Catering and trade are established businesses.
Terms and conditions and more
The property is registered in the Zk, the buyer buys encumbrance free.
The owner's condition for concluding the deal: the buyer pays real estate sales tax in the amount of 2% of the sales price or tax bases.
The buyer does not have to pay for mediation or agency. To view or take pictures of the property, contact us on 051 690 000, Jasmina.