Bled, kvalitetno izdelano in opremljeno ter izredno prostorno 4-sobno stanovanje v naselju Dobe.
Stanovanje se nahaja v drugem nadstropju večstanovanjske stavbe na robu stanovanjskega naselja Dobe.
Stanovanje je bilo popolnoma obnovljeno leta 2021 - vse talne obloge, stavbno pohištvo, notranji ometi, vse inštalacije ter kopalnica ter seveda celotno pohištvo in oprema, vsa dela so bila izdelana skrbno in kvalitetno, kar velja tudi za vgrajene materiale, pohištvo ter opremo.
Obsega: hodnik, prostoren osrednji bivalni prostor, ki združuje dnevno sobo in jedilnico s krasnimi pogledi na Karavanke ter izhodom na balkon, poleg jedilnica je kuhinjska niša, sledijo pa glavna spalnica (z balkonom) ter večja kopalnica, dve sobi ter manjša kopalnica, v kletni etaži pa se nahaja pripadajoča shramba.
Skupna površina stanovanja znaša 116,90 m2, od tega je uporabne površine 100,2 m2, balkona skupaj merita 11 m2, shramba v kletmi etaži pa 5,6 m2.
K stanovanju pripadata dve lastniško urejeni parkirni mesti ob stavbi.
Lastnica je v stanovanju izvajala dejavnost kratkoročnega oddajanja v najem.
Do jezera je 12 minut hoda, le nekaj minut pa je do poljskih poti, ki vodijo po poljih nad reko Savo Dolinko do naselij Zasip, Podhom in naprej do soteske Vintgar ter nudijo veliko priložnosti za sprehode, kolesarjenje in druge aktivnosti.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o,, obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Bled, quality made and furnished and extremely spacious 4-bedroom apartment in the village of Dobe.
The apartment is located on the second floor of a multi-apartment building on the edge of the Dobe residential estate.
The apartment was completely renovated in 2021 - all flooring, joinery, interior plastering, all installations and bathroom and of course all furniture and fittings, all work was done with care and quality, which also applies to the materials, furniture and fittings installed.
It comprises: entrance hall, spacious central living area combining living room and dining room with magnificent views of the Karavanke Mountains and access to the balcony, next to the dining room is the kitchenette, followed by the master bedroom (with balcony) and a larger bathroom, two bedrooms and a smaller bathroom, and in the basement there is an adjoining storage room.
The total area of the apartment is 116.90 m2, of which the usable area is 100,2 m2, the two balconies together measure 11 m2, and the storage room on the basement floor measures 5,6 m2.
The apartment has two parking spaces next to the building.
The owner has carried out a short-term rental activity in the apartment.
The lake is a 12-minute walk away, and it is only a few minutes to the field paths that lead through the fields above the Sava Dolinka river to the settlements of Zasip, Podhom and further to the Vintgar gorge, offering many opportunities for walking, cycling and other activities.
The vendor makes the sale conditional upon the purchaser reimbursing the vendor for part of the costs incurred in selling the property.
Interested parties are kindly requested to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for full information and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Property equipment
- Air conditioning
- Central heating
- Gas
- Balcony
- Basement
- Two parking spaces
- Building permit