Lesce, v najem oddamo proizvodno halo z upravno stavbo, v poslovno-industrijski coni nekdanje »Tovarne Veriga«-.
Poslovno-industrijska cona je nastala po zaprtju nekdanje velike tovarne verig in vijakov, danes tu deluje preko 40 podjetij, po ustvarjenih prihodkih teh podjetij to cono uvrščajo med večje poslovne cone v Sloveniji.
Proizvodna hala leži na južnem robu poslovno industrijske cone ter ima urejen neposreden dovoz do objekta za tovorna vozila ter lastno večje parkirišče za osebna vozila zaposlenih in strank.
Predmetna hala (proizvodni prostori ter skladišča) je del večjega poslovnega kompleksa ter skupaj z upravnim prostori, razstavnim salonom in pomožnimi prostori obsega okrog 2300 m2 poslovnih površin in sicer:
A) V kletni etaži so skladiščni prostori ter kompresorska postaja, v skupni izmeri 440 m2, do kletnih prostorov je izvedena dovozna rampa za dostavo materiala,
B) Upravna stavba obsega prilične prostore ter prostore v nadstropju:
- v pritlični etaži je vhodna avla z razstavnim salonom, pisarna, jedilnica s čajno kuhinjo, garderobe, sanitarije, prostor za snažilke, servisni prostor s toplotno postajo in zalogovnikom, v skupni izmeri okrog 270 m2,
- v nadstropju je pet sodobno urejenih pisarniških prostorov ter tehnični prostor (omreži gonilniki oz. informacijski center) v skupni izmeri 244 m2,
C) Proizvodna hala meri skupaj 1350 m2, sedaj je razdeljena na več funkcionalnih enot zaradi potreb tehnološkega procesa lastnika, vendar so vse predelne stene montažne ter se enostavno odstranijo, tako bi pridobili halo v izmeri (dolžina) 50 m x 26 m2 (širina).
Stavba je bila zgrajena v letih od 1977 do 1985 ter popolnoma prenovljena leta 2005, lani pa je bila izdelana nova streha (Fragmat) ter inštalirana nova toplotna črpalka, pri čemer pa je lastnik ohranil tudi možnost ogrevanja z zemeljskim plinom. Hlajenje pisarniških in pomožnih prostorov je izvedeno s split klimati, industrijski del pa ima strojno odzračevanje,
Višina hale je 6.2 metra, višina kletne etaže pa 3,6 metra, nosilna konstrukcija je izvedena z jeklenimi elementi, polnila sten pa so iz montažnih panelov ter betonskih plošč, fasada TRIMO FTV plošče, okna so ALU izvedbe.
Za stavbo je izdano uporabno dovoljenje.
Pridobljeno je tudi soglasje za izvedbo lastne elektrarne (200 kW)
Skupna izmera zemljišča znaša 2831 m2, pri čemer okrog 1380 m2 zaseda stavba, ostalih 1.448 m2 pa predstavlja dvorišče z urejenim parkiriščem, deloma pred salonom oz. upravno stavbo, v večjem obsegu pa ob proizvodnem delu stavbe, kot je razvidno iz priloženih fotografij in posnetkov. Ob stavbi je izvedena tudi dovozna rampa do kletne etaže.
V stavbi lastnik še vedno izvaja svojo dejavnost, vendar pa bo stavba za morebitnega bodočega kupca pripravljena za prevzem v roku nekaj mesecev.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Lesce, we rent a production hall with an administrative building, in the business-industrial zone of the former "Tovarne Veriga"-.
The business-industrial zone was created after the closure of the former large factory of chains and screws, today there are over 40 companies operating here, according to the revenue generated by these companies, this zone ranks among the larger business zones in Slovenia.
The production hall is located on the southern edge of the business and industrial zone and has a direct access to the building for trucks and its own large parking lot for the cars of employees and customers.
The hall in question (production premises and warehouses) is part of a larger business complex and together with the administrative premises, showroom and ancillary premises comprises approximately 2300 m2 of office space, namely:
A) The basement contains warehouses and a compressor station, with a total area of 440 m2, and an access ramp for material deliveries to the basement,
B) The administration building comprises the ground floor and the first floor:
- on the ground floor there is an entrance hall with a showroom, an office, a dining room with a tea kitchen, cloakrooms, toilets, a laundry room, a service room with a heating station and a storage room, with a total area of approximately 270 m2,
- on the first floor, five modern offices and a technical room (network drivers or information centre) with a total area of 244 m2,
C) The production hall has a total area of 1350 m2, now divided into several functional units to meet the needs of the owner's technological process, but all the partition walls are prefabricated and can be easily removed, thus giving a hall of 50 m (length) x 26 m2 (width).
The building was built between 1977 and 1985 and completely renovated in 2005, and last year a new roof (Fragmat) and a new heat pump were installed, while the owner also retained the option of heating with natural gas. The office and ancillary areas are cooled by split air-conditioning, while the industrial part has mechanical ventilation,
The height of the hall is 6.2 metres, the height of the basement floor is 3.6 metres, the load-bearing structure is made of steel elements, the wall fillings are made of prefabricated panels and concrete slabs, the façade is made of TRIMO FTV panels, the windows are ALU.
The building has a certificate of occupancy.
The building has also been approved for the construction of its own power plant (200 kW).
The total area of the land is 2,831 m2, of which approximately 1,380 m2 is occupied by the building and the remaining 1,448 m2 is a courtyard with a parking area, partly in front of the lounge or administration building, and to a greater extent next to the production part of the building, as can be seen from the attached photographs and images. There is also an access ramp to the basement level adjacent to the building.
The building is still occupied by the owner, but will be ready for a prospective buyer to take possession of within a few months.
Property equipment
- Air conditioning
- Central heating
- Gas
- Heating with a heat pump
- Alarm
- Basic furnishing
- More than two parking spaces
- Land registry